0.1.0 2021-01-21 Tobias Bossert (tobib at cpan.org)
- added: more doc
- fix: set min version everywhere to v5.20
0.0.6 2021-01-20 Tobias Bossert (tobib at cpan.org)
- added: permission check (CLI)
- added: Pretty errors and warnings (CLI)
- changed: Refactored to Wireguard::WGmeta namespace
- added: Interface state to show output (CLI)
- added: methods to remove peers and interfaces (API)
- cpan release
0.0.5 2020-12-31 Tobias Bossert (tobib at cpan.org)
- fix: Allow non wireguard .conf files in $WIREGUARD_HOME
- changed: Added interface public key to the show command
0.0.4 2020-12-20 Tobias Bossert (tobib at cpan.org)
- added: add peer functionality to cli
- fix: Makefile version updates
0.0.3 2020-12-20 Tobias Bossert (tobib at cpan.org)
- added: Makefile for .deb package
- fix: apply command
- added: support for custom wg-meta attributes
- added: foundation for validating attribute values
- changed: show output (cleanup)
0.0.2 2020-12-20 Tobias Bossert (tobib at cpan.org)
- fix: Alias must be unique
- change: prettified wg-meta show output
0.0.1 2020-12-20 Tobias Bossert (tobib at cpan.org)
- initial release