
LectroTest Change Log
Tom Moertel (tom@moertel.com)

* 0.20_04  Documentation improvements, minor code improvements (2004-09-13)

** Fixes

- Some links in documentation were broken.

** Improvements

- Vastly improved docs: All modules now have decent documentation.
  (Tutorial still needs step-by-steps, tho.)

- More pre-flight checks and better error reporting.

- Cleaned up Test::LectroTest's hack for running property checks and
  end of load.

* 0.20_03  Bugfix and doc improvements (2004-09-11)

** Fixes

- !! Important fix: In generator bindings with more than one variable,
  variables sometimes got each others' values.  

** Improvements

- Updated docs.

- LectroTest::Property now pre-flight checks for the use of $tcon in a
  generator binding and emits and error in that case.  ($tcon is used
  for the test controller.)

- TestRunner will now catch and report exceptions thrown during
  property checks:

  - A thrown exception results in test failure.

  - The "details" report will include a "Caught exception" section,
    if needed.

  - TestRunner::results now has an exception field:
    - undef if no exception was thrown during testing
    - the exception otherwise

* 0.20_02  Documentation improvements (2004-09-09)

- Added README (d'oh!) from Test::LectroTest.
- Updated docs in Test::LectroTest.

* 0.20_01  First Pre-CPAN upload release (2004-09-09)

- Major documentation improvements

- Lots of cleanups

- Reorg under Test:
  LectroTest::*      -> Test::LectroTest::*
  LectroTest::Simple -> Test::LectroTest

* 0.10_02  First public release (2004-09-08)

- Clean ups

* 0.10_01  First cut