Revision history for App-SimulateReads

0.08      2017-11-27 22:21:06-02:00 America/Sao_Paulo

	- Fix indexed weight file. If an entry does not exist at the indexed
	  fasta, then it is removed from the weight file hash

0.07      2017-11-27 11:55:16-02:00 America/Sao_Paulo

	- App no more dies if an indexed weighted file has not a valid seqid
	  recorded at a validated indexed fasta
	- Add Dockerfile for the project

0.06      2017-10-29 04:28:50-02:00 America/Sao_Paulo

	- Corrected My::Types to App::SimulateReads::Types in Base class
	- App no more dies if an indexed fasta sequence has not passed the
	  length constraints. Instead, that sequence are deleted from the hash

0.05      2017-10-02 22:57:50-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo

	- Remove Statistics::Basic
	- Test::Perl::Critic and Test::UseAllModules were moved to [TestRecommends]

0.04      2017-09-25 19:16:51-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo

	- Minimum perl version set to v5.10

0.03      2017-09-17 22:50:47-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo

	- Split App::SimulateReads by creating a CLI::App, CLI::Command interface

0.02      2017-09-16 02:18:05-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo

	- Fix issue with PodWeaver by using ReadmeAnyFromPod

0.01      2017-09-15 23:03:14-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo

	- Initial version