	o fixed t/run.t, it used still the old name, all tests
	  failed therefore.

	o replaced some of the built-in regexes with methods
	  of Data::Validate(the real one :-) ).

	o added 2 new types: hex and oct.

	o well, against renamed it to Data::Validate::Struct,
	  because Data::Validate already exists.

	o removed chack for 'resolvablehost' because some cpantesters
	  failed to run it.

        o renamed Config::General::Validate to Data::Validate
          because this tells much better what it does.

	o started with 0.x version numbering to show the
	  early stage of the module.
	o added ipv6 type

	o fixed several bugs with existing types. Thanks to
	  David Cantrell for some very useful hints.

	o added more documentation.

       Original Config::General::Validate Changelog:
		o oops - forgot to increase version number, therefore CPAN
	  	didn't get it.
		o removed inheritance of Config::General, which is senceless
		o added Regex::Common support
		o initial release