Revision history for Perl extension Plack::Middleware::Timeout.

0.01  2015-04-02
	- original version

0.02 2015-04-04
    - added more options for defining custom responses

0.03 2015-04-19
    - documentation update

0.04 2015-05-01 (never released to CPAN)
    - import Time::HiRes for greater accuracy

0.05 2015-06-02 (never released to CPAN)
    - allow providing a coderef as a timeout, in case the user
      wants to have even more control over that.
    - use sub time() from Time::HiRes for measuring how long the request took.

0.06 2015-06-15
    - make the warning more concise but emit it only if no default response handling sub is provided
    - fixed bugx in synopsis
    - documented the params accepted by the middleware
    - updated Changes and README files