Revision history for Perl extension CDB_File.

0.7 1997-10-20
	- use Perl's Strerror instead of strerror
	- fix bogus warning in multi_get (thanks MdlR)
	- fix bug with empty values (thanks RDM)
	- don't fail test 6 if run as root (thanks MP, JB)
	- alpha release

0.6 1997-03-25
	- fix unsigned off_t bug
	- fix version number confusion
	- propagate Perl's idea of CC and LD to cdb (thanks IP, SB)
	- use safe cdb_bread() in preference to read() (thanks MdlR)
	- object is now a scalar again, containing struct cdbobj
	- support repeated keys (thanks MdlR)
	- split create into new, insert, finish
	- optimize FETCH and NEXTKEY
	- support building as a static extension
	- PERLIO_NOT_STDIO so it works with useperlio defined (thanks AK, NMS)
	- add multi_get method (thanks MdlR)
	- fix some core dumps (thanks MdlR)
	- make cdb object read only (thanks MdlR)
	- alpha release

0.5 1997-02-12
	- fix order of @ISA, so imports work
	- alpha release

0.4 1997-02-06
	- iteration (FIRSTKEY, NEXTKEY) added
	- "pre-alpha" release

0.3 1997-01-28
	- no longer dependent on cdbmake
	- CDB_File::cdbm removed
	- temporary file name no longer optional
	- "pre-alpha" release

0.2 1997-01-14
	- first "pre-alpha" release

0.1 1997-01-08
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.16