Revision history for Data-Trace

1.01 - 2024-05-15

Added more unit tests.
Improved stability.

0.19 - 2024-05-13

Can be used for a stack trace alone.


0.18    2024-05-08 - Install fix.
0.17    2024-05-08 - Updated pod.
0.16    2024-05-07 - Added tests for Data::Tie::Watch
                     Added -clone => 0 option.
                     Resolved segmentation fault issue.
0.15    2024-05-03 - More trace filtering.
0.14    2024-05-03 - Using carp filtering.
0.13    2024-04-29 - Fixes in upload.
0.12    2024-04-29 - Monitoring deletion.
        2022-10-18 - Added complex CI.
0.10    2022-10-11
        Testing git CI.
0.09    2022-10-11
        Testing git CI.
0.08    2022-10-11
        Fixed new git flow.
0.07    2022-10-01 - Tidy.
0.06    Added bugtracker resource.
0.03    Can be used with objects.
0.01    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.