Revision history for Perl extension Logfile::EPrints.

	- Added Logfile::EPrints::Filter::Debug class
	- Added alpha 'session' support: see Logfile::EPrints::Filter::Session
	- Sessions are groups of requests by the same address upto 10 minutes apart
	- Added MaxPerSession filter to ignore requests in the same session beyond a maximum number
	- Added Filter base class (Logfile::EPrints::Filter)
	- Added Logfile::EPrints::Hit::Negate to trigger removal of requests that already went through a filter (alpha)
	- Fixes to arXiv log support
	- Get IP address on demand Logfile::EPrints::Hit
	- Added test case for IP address lookup (based on localhost)
	- Added a basic mapping for DSpace logs
	- Moved all mapping modules into Logfile::EPrints::Mapping::*

	- Shifted all modules into the Logfile::EPrints
	- Added 'Period' filter module, to skip over leading

1.00  Thu Mar 10 14:34:24 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-v 1.00 -X -n EPrints::ParseLog