Revision history for Perl extension XML::RAI.
1.02 Oct 16 2004
- Added missing Class::XPath dependency to Makefile.PL
1.01 Sep 30 2004
- Corrected XML::RSS::Parser prerequisite version to 3.
- Added prerequisite version of Date::Parse to 2.26 in RAI::Object.
- Switched use of deprecated value method to text_content in RAI::Object.
1.00 Sep 29 2004
- Integrated XML::RSS::Parser package into RAI.
- Refactored XML::RSS::Parser to use XML::Elemental package and
true tree structure.
- Introduced XML::RSS::Parser::Characters class
- Exposed internal methods for use with Class::XPath in Element
- Added more graceful handling of unrecognized namespace URIs
- Deprecated value and append_value. BREAKAGE: Regretfully value method
will not work the same as version 2x of the RSS Parser in some cases.
This is due to the adoption of a tree model and how text is handled.
- Added as_xml method for reimplementing the version 2x pass-thru
functionality under the tree structure.
0.52 Aug 14 2004
- Removed lastBuildDate from the RAI::Item created and modified mappings. A
good idea gone bad if you are trying to merge feeds and list out entries
chronological order.
- Added minimum version of 0 to POSIX an Date::Parse in Makefile.PL.
- Time handlers (created, modified etc) return UTC rather then local time
0.51 Jun 09 2004
- Fixed multiple feed images bug that caused RAI to choke. (Mike Axelrod)
- Add rdf:resource to image URL mapping.
0.50 May 03 2004
- Added special link handlers to make up for Class::XPath's (1.4)
lack of not() function and compound logical statements.
- Fixed guid mapping. Added link module to mappings.
- Added created_strict, issued_strict, and modified_strict methods
to Element and Channel.
- Class::XPath not liking 'description[@type="text/html"]'.
Removed from content_strict mapping for now.
- Fixed deprecated contentstrict support.
0.41 Apr 28 2004
- Fixed bad XPath statement in item/content_strict.
0.4 Apr 27 2004
- Added content_strict. Deprecated contentstrict.
- Modified mappings of channel/issued, channel/modified, relation,
item/content, item/content_strict, item/creator, source.
- Switched isPermalink to isPermaLink in link mapping.
- Added pinged method to item.
- Folded channel/alt_table into description.
- Fixed time_handler bug were no matches were not being caught
and handled.
0.3 Apr 18 2004
- Added ability to instaniate RAI with an existing
XML::RSS::Parser tree.
- Promoted @xml:lang in Channel and Item
- Added Trackback "RSS 2.0" support in Item
- Added identifier rdf:resource support in Item
- Added dcterms:identifier to identifier in Item.
- Added alt_title method to Channel
0.2 Apr 06 2004
- Added time_format method to RAI and timestamp normalization
to Object.
- Added a created method to Item
- Added a ping method to Item
- Added trackback:about to the related mapping of Item
- Added xml:lang to the language mapping of Item
- Missing documentation inserted
- Dumped shared channel/item mapping. Each have their own
separate maps now.
0.1 Mar 12 2004
- Initial release into CPAN.