Revision history for Perl extension XML::Elemental.
2.011 Jan 01 2008
- Nothing new. Just a distribution sans the %$!*#~@ OS X
resource files. (Note to self add 'export
COPYFILE_DISABLE=1' in .bash_profile on all Leopard
2.01 Dec 31 2007
- POTENTIAL BREAK: Rearranged code to address the
boneheaded oversight of using a circular reference in
the parse tree and failing to breaking up. This caused
memory to leak. The change involved making
XML::Elemental::Document a subclass of
Object::Destroyer that works as a proxy to the real
object implementation. This *should* be entirely
transparent to existing code; however, there is the
possibility that I overlooked some usage scenario that
this change will break.
2.0 Nov 16 2005
- Convert to SAX-based system. (XML::Elemental::SAXHandler
added to the distribution.)
- Switched to Clarkian notation
- Added parser method to XML::Elemental for convienance.
- Added XML::Elemental::Util to the distribution.
- Added testing suite finally.
1.1 Apr 02 2005
- Removed deprecated dynamic class factory code
- Unreleased
1.03 Sep 30 2004
- Fixed corrupted distribution file
1.02 Sep 29 2004
- Fixed XML::Elemental::Node documentation. No code changes.
1.01 Sep 21 2004
- Fixed bad logic in XML::Parser::Style::Elemental::ns_qualify
1.00 Apr 22 2004
- Package name changed to XML::Elemental.
- Created an abstract class and three generic classes to use
instead of dynamic class generation.
- Dynamic class generation is deprecated.
0.50 Apr 17 2004
- Added root method to all dynamic objects.
- Added text_content method to dynamic Element object.
0.41 Apr 04 2004
- Fixed bug were Character objects were not being attached to
their parent if a contents array reference did not already
- Fixed bug were attributes were not being assigned the
namespace URI of their parent tag if a prefix was not
0.40 Mar 21 2004
- Initial release into CPAN as XML::Parser::Style::Elemental