Revision history for Perl extension XML::Atom::Syndication

0.04 Apr 27 2004
    - Exposed _xpath_name as qname in Element.
    - Dies if an unregistered XOath prefix is namespace URI is 

0.03 Apr 18 2004
    - Implemented Document and Characters objects rather then use 
      dynamically generated ones from Elemental style.

0.02 Apr 15 2004
	- Implemented xpath_namespace method for registering other 
	  namespace mappings for XPath queries.
	- Fixed mishandling of mirror content in get method.
	- Removed _ from XML::Parser->parsefile method call.
	- Implemented CGI->param like handling of XPath queries with the
	  Element query method.

0.01 Apr 07 2004
	- Initial release into CPAN.