Revision history for Perl extension Heap::Simple.

0.11	2005-11-30
	- Fixed a missing interpolation in Makefile.PL. This only changes
	  the text shown during make and doesn't change any functionality.

0.10	2005-11-20
	- Fetch required versions of Heap::Simple::XS and Heap::Simple::Perl in
          Makefile.PL, and warn about out of order upgrades.
	- Updated documentation (fixes, new functionality)
	    - insert/key_insert can now take a variable number of arguments
	    - absorb/key_absorb can now take a variable number of arguments
	    - new method merge_arrays
	    - new method extract_all
        - Updated minimum version numbers of Heap::Simple::Perl and 
          Heap::Simple::XS so that they support the new documented features
	- Replaced :: by - in author email address (easier quoting for mailers)

0.09  2004-11-11
	- Remove double documentation of "first"
        - Fixed email in Makefile.PL
        - Oops, required perl 5.8.4 in the Makefile.PL. Module should however
          work on any perl5.
        - Updated minimum version numbers of Heap::Simple::Perl and 

0.08  2004-10-25
	- Increase the version number so it's higher than the old Heap::Simple
          (which is now Heap::Simple::Perl). 0.07 was an accidental upload of 
          Heap::Simple::Perl with the wrong name for the tar.gz file.

0.01  2004-10-23
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-X -n Heap::Simple