Revision history for Perl extension Data::BitMask

0.90  Sat Mar 20 2004
 - Now using Module::Build!
 - Now generating PPMs as well!
 - Long live Module::Build!

0.13  Sat Mar 13 2004
 - Added support for full_match constants

0.12  Mon Jan 19 2003
 - Minor bug fixes with respect to $^W.
 - Modified break_mask to call build_mask if necessary.
 - Update directory structure to use lib for pm files.

0.11  Mon Sep 8 2003
 - Fixed test bug resulting from varying serialization
   orders in Data::Dumper.  The error was entirely in
   the test suite.
 - Minor changes to POD
 - Change from Artistic License to Standard-Perl

0.10  Sun Sep 7 2003
 - First CPAN release