Revision history for Perl module List::Breakdown

Initial revision history up to 0.11 was a little overzealous with
releases until #perl told me to calm down. All of those versions are
documented here anyway for comprehensiveness' sake. Entries with "No
important changes" are likely to be trivial things like documentation
fixes or Perl::Tidy runs.

0.18 2017-10-06

 - Refine and correct documentation, particularly formatting
 - Specify dependencies

0.17 2017-10-06

 - Correct problem with use of comparisons to "Inf" causing failing
   tests on at least Perl 5.8 by using direct definedness test instead

0.16 2017-10-06

 - Mention exporting policy in SYNOPSIS and in the documentation for the
   `breakdown` method
 - Other documentation fixes

0.15 2017-10-06

 - Added a syntax to filter numeric data within intervals
 - Added documentation and tests for new interval syntax
 - Altered error tests to accommodate the new interval syntax

0.14 2017-10-05

 - Several documentation fixes
 - Complete test coverage for missing branch spotted by Devel::Cover

0.13 2017-10-05

 - Reformated Changes file.
 - First attempt at CPAN release.

0.12 2017-10-05

 - Added some author tests pilfered from Module::Starter.
 - Added two new examples to POD, and tests to reflect them.
 - Added this Changes file.

0.11 2017-10-04

 - No important changes.

0.10 2017-10-04

 - No important changes.

0.09 2017-10-04

 - No important changes.

0.08 2017-10-04

 - No important changes.

0.07 2017-10-04

 - Expanded documentation a little to make the SYNOPSIS more useful.

0.06 2017-10-04

 - Renamed module to List::Breakdown. See notes for v0.01.

0.05 2017-10-03

 - Another test file t/errors.t was added which ensures that both of the
   major errors cause an `eval` block to fail:
    * A value in the bucket layout spec was not a handled reference type
    * A value in the bucket layout spec was not a reference at all

0.04 2017-10-03

 - No important changes.

0.03 2017-10-03

 - Export was adjusted to `use base` to accommodate Perl 5.6.

0.02 2017-10-03

 - No important changes.

0.01 2017-10-03

 - First public release with one test in one file, t/words.t. Initially
   named List::Filters, which was unique but very close to an existing
   CPAN module.