Revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::TraitFor::Component::ConfigPerSite.
0.05 28 Feb 2010
- cleaned up code
- added example scripts
- fixed paths in config
- added test for 3rd site
- added pod
0.04 28 August 2011
- removed old files from MANIFEST
- Pod indentation fixes from Christiaan Kras
0.03 9 Feb 2011
- added missing files for tests
- Dedicated to Smyler(s) who won the 2009 Christmas Cryptic Crossword
0.02 27 Dec 2010
- now inherits top level configuration sections (but not configuration within sections)
- replaced hardcoded/pattern matched component names in code
- only get component configuration in components
first release to CPAN
Dedicated to Smylers
0.01 Wed Nov 10 23:10:25 2010
- original version;