Revision history for Tickit-Widget-LogAny

0.005     2016-12-31 21:08:06+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
	No new features.

	Bugs fixed:
	* Avoid warnings on empty cells in the log table
	* Refcount issue meant that the stack trace popup wasn't properly disposed

0.004     2015-02-06 22:21:42+00:00 Europe/London
	No new features.

	* Fix link to second image

	* Needs Tickit::Widget::Table 0.214 for ->column_width

0.003     2015-02-06 22:08:03+00:00 Europe/London
	* Strip @INC entries from filenames to make things more readable
	* Cleaned up styles slightly

0.002     2015-02-06 18:28:54+00:00 Europe/London
	* Display stack trace for selected log line
	* Proper desktop rendering support

0.001     2015-02-06 13:13:47+00:00 Europe/London
	Initial CPAN release