Revision history for Net-Async-Slack

0.012     2023-03-20 08:58:57+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [New features]

    - support for view submission and shortcut callbacks from Slack socket mode

0.011     2022-05-06 16:55:34+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    [New features]

    - some additional undocumented methods added for conversations and user info
    (next version planning to regenerate documentation and method list from official API docs)

    [Bugs fixed]

    - pass authentication to GET requests through headers

0.010     2022-01-23 19:18:24+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    [New features]

    - socket mode provides ->last_frame_epoch to check when the last data was
    received from the server
    - `Net::Async::Slack->new(debug => 1, ...)` provides an (undocumented-as-yet!)
    way to test Slack socket-mode reconnection logic
    - socket-mode example in examples/

0.009     2021-11-21 22:26:45+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    [Bugs fixed]
    - missing JSON::MaybeUTF8 dependency added, thanks to SREZIC for reporting

0.008     2021-10-13 16:02:21+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    [New features]
    - support for `blocks` when updating a message

    [Bugs fixed]
    - socket mode reconnection should be (more?) reliable now

0.007     2021-02-03 05:18:44+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    No new features.

    Bugs fixed:

    - some endpoint definitions needed updating to match the new config file keys

0.006     2021-02-02 05:18:17+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - support socket mode (
    - deprecated RTM, since it's going away in February
    - full set of Slack methods now supported, see Net::Async::Slack::Commands
    - unfurl support via socket mode (register a domain and provide callbacks
    for expanding URLs into blocks)

0.005     2020-11-26 15:11:14+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - support for blocks in `->send_message`

    Bugs fixed:

    - warning from the `->trigger_ping` method which was passing through
    an uneven list of parameters

0.004     2020-06-27 23:43:38+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - ->conversations_info for channel lookup

    Bugs fixed:

    - RTM connection handling fixed

0.003     2019-04-28 06:03:53+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    No new features.

    Bug fixes:

    - duplicate ::ReconnectUrl and ::ReconnectURL packages were present,
    only one of them is actually needed (thanks to NEILB for reporting)

0.002     2017-10-22 17:03:30+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    * ::Message instance allowing support for updating messages
    * Slack threaded messaging support (via `thread_ts`)
    * Support for setting the `slack_host` for domains other than ``

0.001     2017-06-11 06:02:08+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    Initial version.