Revision history for Net-Async-Redis-XS

0.009     2023-02-10 18:11:54+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    - reduce minimum Perl version to v5.26 by request

0.008     2022-12-13 09:24:53+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [Bugs fixed]
    - pubsub callback takes a list, not an arrayref

0.007     2022-12-06 11:37:59+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [Bugs fixed]
    - decimal (floating point) value conversion upgraded from `float` to `double`,
    and switched to Perl number-parsing routine for better accuracy (technically
    allows slightly more than the official protocol, but better than rolling our own)

    - applied some improvements as suggested by PEVANS (thanks!)

0.006     2022-12-03 19:28:42+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [Bugs fixed]
    - memory leak when handling error responses

0.005     2022-12-03 09:20:45+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [New features]
    - support for inf/nan as decimal (floating point) values
    - support for verbatim strings (`=`)
    - support for sets (`~`) and big numbers (`(`)
    - this version may possibly work on versions of perl before 5.36.0
    [Bugs fixed]
    - pubsub handling fixes - was not picking up the callback correctly before
    - previous `cpanfile` did not list dependencies, now resolved

    Also enables CircleCI tests, thanks to some initial work from SZABGAB in prompting this:

0.004     2022-12-02 07:01:37+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [New features]
    - support for RESP3 decimal (floating point) numbers (`,`)
    [Bugs fixed]
    - support for negative integers

0.003     2022-12-01 12:10:12+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [New features]
    - cluster support

0.002     2022-12-01 11:48:43+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [Minor updates]
    - removed warnings for partial data processing - these are common when dealing with large
    packets, and we don't need to alert the user about this

0.001     2022-12-01 11:32:47+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    Initial version.