Revision history for Database-Async-Engine-PostgreSQL

1.002     2023-03-20 09:08:00+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [New features]

    - support for connections to Unix sockets, thanks to Torsten Förtsch

    [Bugs fixed]

    - removing from the event loop would leave behind some state, causing a memory leak
    - incorrect method name when closing a connection, fix thanks to Maryam Nafisi

1.001     2022-12-07 19:36:46+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [New features]

    - better flow-control support for incoming data

1.000     2022-09-07 05:02:18+08:00 Asia/Singapore
    [New features]

    - support for SCRAM-SHA256 authentication (required for recent PostgreSQL versions)

0.012     2021-09-13 00:42:06+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    [New features]

    - pgpass support, thanks to Torsten Förtsch
    - can now specify `application_name` in engine config
    - disconnection notification (and active query termination) via ->connected method

0.011     2021-06-16 01:00:08+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    [New features]

    - encoding support, requires Database::Async 0.14+

    [Bugs fixed]

    - query completion fixes to align with latest Database::Async

0.010     2020-12-07 02:54:29+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    No new features.

    Bugs fixed:

    - the `service` parameter from `Database::Async->new(engine => { service => 'xxx' })`
    is now applied and used for connections

0.009     2020-12-03 00:18:17+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - support PGSERVICE, PGSERVICEFILE and PGSYSCONFDIR for locating and using
    PostgreSQL service definitions

0.008     2019-07-16 20:40:17+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    No new features.

    Bugs fixed:

    - when creating a table, the primary key(s) were not quoted

0.007     2019-06-30 01:52:53+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    No new features.

    Bugs fixed:

    - improved query performance, particularly in COPY operations,
    by allowing multiple smaller writes to be combined

0.006     2019-06-04 23:47:47+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - some updates to handle primary keys on tables in ::DDL

0.005     2019-05-05 19:21:51+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    No new features.

    Bugs fixed:

    - improvement schema handling in DDL generation methods to be more consistent

0.004     2019-05-01 06:46:59+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - very basic type and table info retrieval, intended as a starting point
    to replace the common information_schema handling used in other databases.

0.003     2019-04-21 14:20:29+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - imported temporary schema generation templates in ::DDL

0.002     2019-04-20 15:18:59+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    New features:

    - ->write_len equivalent for ->read_len, defaults to 2MB (previously 8KB which was
    not so efficient when dealing with larger queries or bulk transfer such as COPY IN)
    - ->application_name support (for cases where it's not so easy to add that to the URI)

0.001     2019-04-15 06:29:39+08:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
    Initial CPAN release