1.11  2023-03-17
    - fixed bad upload

1.10  2023-03-17
    - use HTTP 1.1 instead of 1.0 for range requests to comply with RFCs and
      handle servers that ignore range headers in HTTP 1.0 requests
      (eg recent versions of lighttpd)

1.01  2023-01-31
    - bug correction: system errors were not correctly set
      (bug #146156 reported by Diab Jerius)

1.00  2021-02-25
    - HTTPS: SSL_verifycn_name and SSL_hostname handling
    - removed final slash in directory node in opendir/readir
    - added opendir_slash to replicate old behavior of preserving final slash
    - bug correction: open_at was not working as intended with local files
    - post() function added
    - accept 204 as a success status code
    - $MAX_LENGTH_SKIP default value increased from 16KB to 256KB
    - updated to Module::Install 1.19

0.91  2013-08-28
    - get(): returns '502' response headers when none was received

0.90  2013-08-27
    - get() function added
    - retries connection on signal interruption
    - SSL_verify_mode explicitely set to SSL_VERIFY_NONE in
      IO::Socket::SSL constructor arguments
    - $MAX_LENGTH_SKIP default value reduced from 128KB to 16KB

0.89  2012-10-22
    - update to Module::Install 1.06 following Tatsuhiko
      Miyagawafor's recommandation for perl 5.16 compatibility:

0.88  2012-03-21
    - protocol redirection handling
    - minor POD clarifications

0.872 2012-02-16
    - forgot to actually _save_ the new makefile...
    - some more fixes in POD

0.871 2012-02-16
    - requires constant 1.03 (multiple constant definition,
      form perl 5.7.2)
    - minor POD fixes (still much to be done, sorry for that
      poor doc and tests...)
    - recommands IO::Socket::SSL and Time::y2038 in makefile

0.87  2012-02-14
    - First release on CPAN (module in use since 2009)