0.91  2013-08-28
    - get(): returns '502' response headers when none was received

0.90  2013-08-27
    - get() function added
    - retries connection on signal interruption
    - SSL_verify_mode explicitely set to SSL_VERIFY_NONE in
      IO::Socket::SSL constructor arguments
    - $MAX_LENGTH_SKIP default value reduced from 128KB to 16KB

0.89  2012-10-22
    - update to Module::Install 1.06 following Tatsuhiko
      Miyagawafor's recommandation for perl 5.16 compatibility:

0.88  2012-03-21
    - protocol redirection handling
    - minor POD clarifications

0.872 2012-02-16
    - forgot to actually _save_ the new makefile...
    - some more fixes in POD

0.871 2012-02-16
    - requires constant 1.03 (multiple constant definition,
      form perl 5.7.2)
    - minor POD fixes (still much to be done, sorry for that
      poor doc and tests...)
    - recommands IO::Socket::SSL and Time::y2038 in makefile

0.87  2012-02-14
    - First release on CPAN, but the module already
      has more than 3 years of evolution