Revision history for Perl extension Net::Whois::ARIN.

0.07    Fri May 14 15:24:50 2004
        - removed duplication variable declaration in N::W::A->organization
        - initializing _contacts attribute in all record object constructors
        - cleaned up some initialized values warnings in

0.06    Wed May  5 09:51:52 2004
        - new classes added to replace anonymous hashes
            * Net::Whois::ARIN::AS
            * Net::Whois::ARIN::Network
            * Net::Whois::ARIN::Contact
            * Net::Whois::ARIN::Organization
            * Net::Whois::ARIN::Customer
        - autogenerating accessors/mutators with Class::MethodMaker


0.05    Apr 2004
        - removed all method shortcuts
            * net()  => network()
            * poc()  => contact()
            * org()  => organization()
            * cust() => customer()


0.04    Feb 2004
	- net() supports Cust and Org records


0.03    Jan 2004
	- removed query_* prefixes from query_domain() and query_handle()
	- removed detail() and strict() and always for detailed reporting
	- handle all multi-line fields


0.02  Thu Oct 31 13:28:17 2002
	- updated the module to match changes to production whois output
	- removed all references to ARIN's beta whois server
	- added module documentation


0.01  Wed Aug  7 08:52:56 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
	-AX -n Net::Whois::ARIN