Version 1.12
04/01/02 - Fixed error in test cases of t/04-bad.t. It was looking for the
string "not correct" from Algorith::LUHN, which changed it to "incoorect."
Test now looks for either string.
Version 1.11
03/25/02 - Fixed error method to jive with with documentation by returning
"undef" when the CINS was valid.
Reset $ERROR to undef when is_valid is called and there is no problem.
Version 1.10
03/12/02 - Completely fixed this module. It was horribly broken and couldn't
have validated a true CINS if its life depended on it.
Version 1.00
11/18/01 - Added the error() method.
Version 0.03
5/9/01 - Added t/06-acc.t test.
5/8/01 - Fixed documentation typo.