2007-09-12 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.1:
* Atompub/DateTime.pm
- rewrite POD
2007-09-10 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.1.0:
* Atompub.pm
- add some methods to HTTP::Headers, HTTP::Request, and HTTP::Response
* Atompub/Client.pm
- merge operations for entry and media resources internally
- support cache mechanizem using Last-Modified header
- refactoring drastically
* Atompub/DateTime.pm, Atompub/MediaType.pm, Atompub/Util.pm
- newly added
2007-08-13 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.0.2:
* Build.PL
- add Test::Perl::Critic to requires
2007-08-12 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.0.1: created by Module::Starter