Revision history for Perl extension Lingua::JA::Regular

0.08 Tue Jan 27 16:41:53 2004
	* [Fixed bug] lc -> CORE::lc, uc -> CORE::uc
	  (Thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)

0.07 Fri Sep 26 17:14:21 2003
	* [Fixed bug] KATAKANA, HIRAGANA update / deserted character("WO", "PU") 
	- Lingua::JA::Regular::Table(0.04)
	  (Thanks to Yukiyasu Suda)

0.06 Thu Jul 17 11:51:23 2003
	* [Fixed bug] CHARACTER_UNDEF_REGEX update
	- Lingua::JA::Regular::Table(0.03)
	* [Fixed bug] geta, binay code was not well convertible.
	* [Fixed POD] Windos -> Windows.  (Thanks to Ryo Okamoto)

0.05  Wed May  7 11:27:41 2003
	* [Fixed bug] Lingua::JA::Regular::Table there was no
	  "double consonant (in Japanese[SOKUON-MOJI])", it adds.
	- Lingua::JA::Regular::Table(0.02)

0.04  Fri May  2 16:36:53 2003
	* Execution of the method  mac() and win() in regular().

0.03  Sun Mar  2 16:45:55 2003
	* Added to Lingua::JA::Regular::Table::Kanji
	- Lingua::JA::Regular::Table::Kanji(0.02)

0.02  Thu Feb 27 18:33:59 2003
	* [Fixed bug] it becomes an error by Perl 5.005_03.
	  (Thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)

0.01  Thu Feb 27 12:12:38 2003
	* original version