v0.04 2006.05.06
- Move the list of distributions from a simple array into a YAML structure
  kept inline for now.
- Add the universe repositories of Ubuntu.
- Add report on modules available in Debian but missing from Ubuntu
- Add report on modules available in FreeBSD but missing from Debian

v0.03 2007.05.06
- Split Debian into Unstable, Testing and Stable
- Add Ubuntu version
- Add ActivePerl 8xx on various platforms
- Reduce hard coding in the templates to one place and have a list of
  distributions in an array in the code
- Forget to add the changes before releasing the module.

v0.02 2007.05.04

- Add report on total number of modules in each distro
- Replace the name Mandrake by Mandriva
- Add list of all the modules for each distribution
- Add dependency on Parse::CPAN::Packages and App::Cache.
  - Could I just write  use Leon; instead?
  - Oh, yes it is spelled use Acme;
- Add report based on CPANid

v0.01 2007.04.28
- First version released