1.04 2020.11.12
- Add GitLab processing, recorgnize GitLab Pipeline.
- Include Azure Pipelines.
- Add links to https://cpandashboard.com/ and https://cpan.rocks/
- Generate static html report and publish it on https://cpan-digger.perlmaven.com/
- Add --days flag and report needed for the Perl Weekly report.
- Set minimum version of MetaCPAN::Client to 2.026 that I know works.
- Add more statistics.
- Show licenses, warn about unknown license.
1.03 2020.11.07
- Change default log level to INFO
- Start checking license fields with several valid license keys
- add azure_pipelines to the possible CI systems
- show author distros ordered by date limited by --limit
- show VERSION number in help; allow for the use of --version flag to show version number on its own
1.02 2020.11.04
- List missing prerequisites, skipt RELASES_TEST if module is not available
- Try to avoid getting stuck if an incorrect URL was listed as VCS.
1.01 2020.11.02
- Fix execution
- Enable checking the github repositories
1.00 2020.11.02
- A total restart of the project