Change log for Net::Curl. See the complete list of changes at:

0.35 2014-06-03T08:54:00Z
 [Przemysław Iskra <>]
 - Properly handle both UTF-8 and binary data within /(un)?escape/.

 [Stanislaw Pusep <>]
 - Fixed the bugs introduced with the pipelining blacklist feature.

0.34 2014-05-30T15:40:00Z
 [Maksym Davydov <>]
 - Added support for CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION callback (and CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA option) to Net::Curl::Easy;
 - Added functions escape() and unescape() to Net::Curl::Easy.

 [Olaf Alders <>]
 - Fixed typo in Makefile.PL error message.

 [Stanislaw Pusep <>]
 - Synced symbols-in-versions from libcurl/7.37.0;
 - Makefile.PL cleanup;
 - Attempted to silence test noise under -DDEBUGGING;
 - Attept to fix a test failing on MidnightBSD (and potentially others);

0.33 2014-01-17T10:38:11Z
 [Stanislaw Pusep <>]
 - Fixed Net-Curl test failures on FreeBSD 9.2 (cookies related);
 - Fixed slight versioning bug in Net::Curl + Net::Curl::Compat;
 - Synced symbols-in-versions from libcurl/7.34.0.

0.32 2013-10-15T09:48:06Z
 [Stanislaw Pusep <>]
 - Silencing some noisy tests.

0.31 2013-08-15T19:03:19Z
 [Stanislaw Pusep <>]
 - Fixed compatibility with libcurl/7.32.0.

0.30 2013-08-09T09:35:42Z
 [Stanislaw Pusep <>]
 - Fixed compiling on 32-bit Debian Linux systems;
 - More failing test fixes.

0.29 2013-08-01T11:39:27Z
 [Stanislaw Pusep <>]
 - Fixed compatibility down to libcurl/7.15.5 (7.15.4 is not compatible);
 - Updated the Changes file to conform with the CPAN::Changes Kwalitee
 - Synced symbols-in-versions from libcurl/7.31.0;
 - Attempt to fix tests failing behind a proxy.

0.28 2013-05-12T11:46:53Z
 [Stanislaw Pusep <>]
 - Implemented curl_multi_wait() as Net::Curl::Multi::wait() method;
 - META/documentation fixes.

0.27 2013-05-11T12:54:58Z
 [Stanislaw Pusep <>]
 - Net::Curl::Easy::reset() now works;
 - Fixed the leak test for Perl >= 5.017;
 - Few steps towards Modern Perl (checked with Perl::Critic, updated META,
   added real change log);
 - Minor cleanups.

0.26 2013-05-05T23:20:46Z
 [Stanislaw Pusep <>]
 - Fixed "Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0xdeadbeef during global
 - ExtUtils::PkgConfig now recognizes libcurl installed anywhere;
 - Updated inc/symbols-in-versions from libcurl/7.30.0.