Changelog for Algorithm-SlopeOne

0.004 2014-06-18T15:29:14
 - Dist::Zilla maintenance (Stanislaw Pusep)
 - remove PWP::Encoding authordep from dist.ini (Сергей Романов)
 - drop PWP::Encoding dependency (Сергей Романов)

0.003 2012-12-23T14:01:03
 - renamed update() method to add() (Stanislaw Pusep)
 - removed non-core deps (Stanislaw Pusep)

0.002 2012-12-20T15:41:42
 - better encapsulation for diffs/freqs matrices (Stanislaw Pusep)
 - don't leak a MovieLens dump to CPAN\! (Stanislaw Pusep)

0.001 2012-12-20T15:12:24
 - input verification (Stanislaw Pusep)
 - stripped pointless user ID handling (Stanislaw Pusep)
 - INIT (Stanislaw Pusep)