
If the user enters invalid data we flagged it with * but that was it. Now you
can add a textual explanation of why the data is invalid and this will appear
to the right of any invalid fields. This is achieved by returning a two
element array from your validation routines. (Existing code will work fine so
no need to change anything.) See the pod for examples.


Bug fixes on the -CLEAN option; documentation corrections, e.g. to the
&cleanup example. Added a new option: you can now have as many buttons as you
want using the new -BUTTONS option. Again thanks to Paul for the suggestion.


Added -CLEAN option. This lets you specify a subroutine to be executed on any
field that has been validated (providing the whole form is valid) to clean it
up, e.g. make it all upper case or delete spurious whitespace, etc. Thanks to
Paul Johnston for the suggestion.


Corrected documentation error. 


Added -LANGUAGE options 'fr' (french) and 'de' (german) - translation was by
Babelfish so it they're wrong please let me know!


Corrected some documentation errors. Added some new options so that you can
default the size of every textfield and textarea (but still override the
defaults individually of course), see the -SIZE, -MAXLENGTH, -ROWS and
-COLUMNS options. 


Instead of calling QuickForm::run, you now call show_form. (This is because of
a mistake made in earlier versions regarding QuickForm's package which has now
been corrected. Sorry for this inconvenience.)


Now use language of 'en' for english (although 'english' is supported for
backward compatibility). 


Corrected Makefile.PL plus minor improvements to the code and documentation.


Version 1.00.


Created. Thanks to Paul Johnston for the idea.