# do not edit -- automatically generated by arch changelog
# arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--release--0.4

2004-09-03 23:56:26 GMT	Stig Brautaset <stig@brautaset.org>	patch-1

      expanded base position class + updated documentation

    Patches applied:
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-15
       bump version number of Games::Sequential.pm (last time manually)
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-14
       only invoke the version-incrementor-script on devo branch
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-13
       elaborated a bit in synopsis
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-12
       added precommit hook to increment perlmod minor version number when modified
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-11
       added dependency on Data::Dumper
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-10
       added the dump() and player() routines
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-9
       documentation update (pod + README)
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-8
       specify version for dist explicitly, not from module
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-7
       do not archive generated files

2004-08-29 15:28:06 GMT	Stig Brautaset <stig@brautaset.org>	base-0

      Games::Sequential 0.4.0

    Bumped the version number quite a bit again because this version
    has seen yet another change in the interface. Users no longer
    inherit from this module and implement the missing methods. They
    must supply an object that knows how to do what is required of it
    instead. This is much more flexible.
    Patches applied:
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-6
       added Yaml file to MANIFEST
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-5
       tell Data::Dumper to make deep copy
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-4
       fix small buglets in pod
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-3
       Games::Sequential->new now expects a position _object_
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-2
       update makefile template and manifest
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--patch-1
       remove Games::AlphaBeta module and test
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-Sequential--devo--0.4--base-0
       split Games::Sequential back out into its own dist
    Games::AlphaBeta 0.3.0 + Games::Sequential 0.3.0:
    Instead of requiring references to callback functions we now use
    a proper OO interface and mandate some user-defined methods. 
    For convenience, the Games::Sequential module now come bundled
    with the Games::AlphaBeta module. 
    Patches applied since 0.2 series:
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--patch-10
       updated README + MANIFEST
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--patch-9
       cleaned up tests and renamed them to change their order
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--patch-8
       corret MANIFEST
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--patch-7
       note that Carp is a prereq for these modules
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--patch-6
       croak if required methods are not present
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--patch-5
       we now have proper oo interface
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--patch-4
       Games::Sequential now come bundled
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--patch-3
       added Games::Sequential + test
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--patch-2
       bump version number
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--patch-1
       cycled changelog
     * stig@brautaset.org--2004/Games-AlphaBeta--devo--0.3--base-0
       more OO focus on interface + add Games::Sequential to bundle