Revision history for Perl extension Moxie
0.05 2017-10-21
- restored the `private` trait and ceased it being
the default behavior as a result of a `has` call
- dropped the Devel::Hook dependency for the MOP::Util
functions (which just use Devel::Hook themselves)
- restored the Padwalker dependency
- removed the Sub::Inject dependency (see above)
- bump the MOP dependency
0.04 2017-09-27
- moved the Moxie::Slot::Intitializer class to
the MOP instead of here
- lexical private lvalue slot accessors are now
always generated, no need to specify them
- removed the B::CompilerPhase::Hook dependency
and just use straight up Devel::Hook instead
- removed the PadWalker dependency because we
can now generate the slot accessor at BEGIN
time and install them with Sub::Inject
- added Sub::Inject dependency
- bump the MOP dependency to support use of the
MOP::Slot::Initializer class
0.03 2017-08-17
- generous typo fixes from my internet friends
- Pierre Vigier
- Evan Carroll
- the way the BUILDARGS:init_args trait works now
is very different and not backwards compatible
- added tests in t/100-annotations/010-init-args.t
- docs added to the Moxie module
- This change is NOT backwards compatible
- `has` now (also) takes a set of option pairs and
generates the correct initializer based on those
- docs added to the Moxie module
- This change is backwards compatible
- classes can now be loaded at runtime
- added tests for this
- version bump for BEGIN::Lift and Method::Traits
to make sure classes can be loaded at runtime
- version bump for MOP to better support the
custom slot initializer usage
0.02 05-07-2017
- fixing missing dependency (PadWalker)
- fixing some simple kwalitee issues
0.01 21-06-2017
- Initial release to an unsuspecting world