Revision history for Perl module IMDB::Film
0.22 August 1 2006
- modified a procedure of parsing cast (thanks to drmarker for contibution);
- removed a request for retrieving of movie official sites from the base initialization
procedure (thanks to Danial Pearce);
- fixed a bug with parsing movie title if the title contains some special symbols such '*'
(thanks to Matthew Bone for bugreport);
- fixed a bug with retrieving a cover if it isn't uploaded (Brano Gerzo).
0.21 May 17 2006
- added retrieving official site urls for specified movie;
- added possibility to clean cached data;
- added new test for official sites;
- fixed a bug with retrieving a filmography of specified movie person (thanks
to Przemek Klys);
- fixed a bug with test of full plot of movie;
- fixed a bug with test of movie trivia.
0.20 March 10 2006
- added possibility to specify a path for cached data (thanks to Brano Gerzo);
- added new statuses to separate objects retrieved from internet, cache or file;
- added test to check cache functionality.
0.19 January 16 2006
- fixed a bug related with search by movie title contained some special symbols such "&"
(thanks to Peter Backman);
- fixed a bug with retrieving a movie cover (thanks to Len Kranendonk);
- fixed a bug with retrieving a list of cast of TV series (thanks to Bas);
- added prerequest module Digest::SHA1 (thanks to CPAN testers).
0.18 December 30 2005
- fixed a bug with retrieving ID of writers (thanks to Brano Gerzo for bugreport);
- fixed a bug with retrieving a list of writers if there is a link 'more';
- fixed a documentation of method 'awards'.
0.17 December 15 2005
- moved functionality to get a page via HTTP to the separate method
to it for getting of movie full plot;
- fixed a bug with retrieving full plot (thanks to halcyon);
- fixed a bug related with matched results if there is an only one;
- fixed module documentation;
- added new tests to cover bugs described above.
0.16 December 14 2005
- added retrieving of AKA info (requested by Brano Gerzo);
- added retriving of movie trivia;
- added retriving of movie goofs;
- added retrieving of movie avards;
- fixed a bug with adding full plot into cache.
0.15 November 18 2005
- added possibility to pass HTML page from IMDB instead of connection
and getting page online (thanks to Brano Gerzo for idea);
- switched to LWP::Simple from LWP::UserAgent;
- added possibility to specify timeout and user agent for HTTP request;
- removed a retrieving of a full plot from initialization stage;
- improved test suite.
0.14 August 22 2005
- fixed a bug with search film by title (reported by Scott D'Aquila
and Kwesi Leggett);
- fixed a bug with search person by name;
- fixed a bug with define proxy address (reported by Bas Zoetekouw);
- fixed bugs with movies and persons data in the test script.
0.13 June 03 2005
- fixed a bug with craching of search when no any matches were
found (reported by Peter Bäckman);
- added a new property - status which indicates is successful or
not information was retrieved from IMDB;
- added a new property - id which is the same as code because
it's not clear that IMDB code is like id.
0.12 March 07 2005
- fixed a bug with retrieving information about movie
persons in case no proxy server;
- added an suppression of pseudo-hash warnings.
0.11 March 04 2005
- fixed a bug with retrieving a list of casts
in case if there are only credited casts (thanks to
Steve Rushe);
- fixed a bug with define a proxy in the class IMDB::Persons.
- fixed a bug with retrieve a list of casts if there are
only complete credited cast;
- fixed a bug with assing a person IMDB code in case when we
make a search by its name;
- fixed a bug with assing a movie IMDB code when movie detailed
page doesn't contain rating;
0.10 Jan 07 2005
- moved all common functionality into base class;
- added a new class to retrieve an information about IMDB persons;
- modified a test;
- fixed a bug with undefined value in the method 'rating'.
- fixed a bug with using fields.
0.05 Dec 28 2004
- added a new method - full_plot to retrieve a full novie plot;
- fixed a bug with retrieve a title and production year of movie in case of search by
movie title;
- fixed bugs with test.
0.04 Sep 09 2004
- added roles to the retrieving data about cast;
- added possibility to retrieve number of votes;
- fixed a bug with retrieving directors for movie which doesn't contains writers info.
0.03 Jul 31 2004
- fixed bug with retrieving film information by its title;
- corrected class documentation;
0.02 Jul 28 2004
- fixed class documentation;
0.01 Jul 27 2004
- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.32