0.04 - 2011-02-10
- Pass in a parameter for PostgreSQL connections so that multiple
  queries can still be chained together.

0.03 - 2006-06-24
- Fixed a typo in the synopsis sample code (reported by David Gale)
- Allow set_defaults to accept either a hash or a hashref of arguments

0.02 - 2005-02-27
- Subs can now be called using thisForm and this_form.
- Added accessor methods for dsn, user, and password.
- Eliminated a warning when no rows are returned.
- Eliminated a number of errors and warnings in the test scripts

0.01 - 2004-10-18
- Initial CPAN release.  Not yet for general consumption, but rather
  so that people can more easily test it and give me pointers on what
  needs better documentation.