Revision history for Perl extension Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast

0.09_50 - cease warnings
	- several ci changes (move from travis to github actions + appveyor)

0.09	- stable release almost identical to 0.08_50

0.08_50 - allow also reading an uncompressed 02packages.details.txt file

0.08    - fix in private function _default_packages_file_batch
	- configuration file for travis-ci

0.07    - stable release with all changes in 0.06_50..0.06_52

0.06_52 - use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip instead of PerlIO::gzip

0.06_51 - another test patch for tempfile problems under cygwin

0.06_50 - a test patch for possible hanging test (RT #66555, again)

0.06	- minor _default_packages_file_batch improvements

0.05_53 - changed temporary file handling in fast module lookup
	- don't die if package could not be found in fast module lookup
	- fast module lookup shortcuts as soon as possible

0.05_52 - no code changes, just protecting from test failures

0.05_51 - fast module lookup (experimental)
	- new test scripts

0.05_50 - fix for possible hanging test (RT#66555)
	- use CPAN::Version instead of
	  (because is more forgiving) (RT#70577)

	- don't die when asked for nonexisting packages
	  (patch by Dennis Kaarsemaker)

	- implemented contains method

	- protect from test failures because

	- implemented prefix, *_count methods

	- initial release