Revision history for Mojolicious-Plugin-CanonicalURL
0.06 2019-12-13 13:23:34 CST
- Use App::CISetup for .travis.yml.
- Include coveralls status.
0.05 2019-10-28 11:32:01 CDT
- Bump minimum Mojolicious version to 7.15 when Mojo::File was introduced.
0.04 2019-10-28 11:26:43 CDT
- Add parentheses to shift in _get_should_canonicalize_request_config_name() to fix old perls.
0.03 2019-10-27 19:07:58 CDT
- Don't test on broken travis-perl perls
0.02 2019-10-27 18:47:50 CDT
- Fix broken build due to get_ok with a 404.
0.01 2019-10-27 18:11:41 CDT
- Initial release