Revision history for 'accessors' Perl pragma

All changes by Steve Purkis, unless otherwise noted.

    +	made method-chaining accessors the default.
    *	created accessors::classic and accessors::chained, and killed the
	'use accessors qw( foo :style )' syntax.
    +	now compat with perl 5.6+ [reported by Michael Schwern]
    +	tests no longer noisy (no blib or benchmark diagnostics)
	[reported by Michael Schwern]
    +	using closures + anon sub instead of eval [reported by Michael Schwern]
    +	moved generation methods into simple subs & optimized (smaller pad to
	restore, results in faster, well factored code)
    +	added InvalidNames to catch things like AUTOLOAD & DESTROY
	[reported by James Duncan]
    +	s/cascading/chaining/ [reported by James Duncan]
    +	refactored test suite, added benchmarks for classic accessors.
    +	updated docs

    +	created Fri Sep 12 2003 after a conversation with Michael Schwern.