Revision history for Perl extension Petal::Utils.
* Suppressed warnings when loading plugins, introduced $DEBUG flag
[reported by William McKee, patched by Steve Purkis]
+ Wrote get_plugin_class() to make inheriting easier. [Steve Purkis]
* Date::Format moved to required list of modules as Date plugin is in
:default set [Steve Purkis]
* Renamed to Petal::Utils so Petal doesn't think the Utils package
is a Petal Hash modifier. [Steve Purkis]
* Moved to Module::Build. [Steve Purkis]
+ Added modifiers: Date Dump Equal(eq) And Like Sort [Steve Purkis]
+ Added import() functionality to specify modifier sets. [Steve Purkis]
* Split up modifiers into individual Petal::Utils::<modifier> modules
that are loaded as needed. [Steve Purkis]
* Restructured test directory, using File::Spec and more verbose file
names. [Steve Purkis]
* Added error handling code to existing modifiers. [Steve Purkis]
+ Initial project created Fri Sep 5 2003 [William McKee]
+ original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-X -A -n Petal::Hash::Utils