Pangloss Change Log
All changes by Steve Purkis <spurkis@quiup.com> unless otherwise stated.
+ more pod updates
+ moved Pangloss/Installation.pod --> Pangloss/Install.pm because it
replaced the Pangloss front-page on search.span.org!
- removed Pangloss::accessors
+ collection list pages (ie: edit/concepts.html) now use sorted lists
[suggested by Dan McQuillan]
+ fixed bug: reappearing URL in the search box [reported by Dan McQuillan]
+ hard-coded $Pangloss::VERSION while we try & resolve a CPAN indexing
+ simplified Html headers [suggested by Dan McQuillan]
+ more pod updates
+ now relies on accessors pragma from CPAN
+ updated Petal-Utils required version (for 'if' modifier)
+ fixed bug in Apache::Handler that prevented responses from being sent
+ $app->foo_editor->list() now sets 'foo_collection' in the $view
+ searcher now uses/sets collections from $view
+ modifications to collections: added iterator() & sorted_list(),
exists() and get() both take objects as well as keys now, and changed
get_values_key() now uses isa()
+ refactored search api to make language & concept objects available to
the front end (not just keys)
+ fixed HTML bugs: category displayed on search page again, currently
selected values are preserved in select lists, other minor fixes.
- turned off pixie object cache in editors due to mutex problems.
+ updated sample-httpd.conf to include VirtualHost example
! pixie stores are *not* be backwards compatible with v0.1 stores!
+ finished HTML/URL Search Filter
+ using lang_key instead of iso_code in User::Privileges
+ added 'use accessors (...)' pragma, replaced all hard-coded accessors
+ refactored standalone & apache webapps, now based on common code
(test.pl renamed pg_test_server)
+ added content-type=utf-8 headers to all html pages
+ using Pod::Usage for pg_admin & pg_test_server
+ added 'create store <dsn>' to pg_admin
+ updated installation docs
See CVS logs for a detailed view of what's happened between v0.01 and 0.2.
The following is a high-level summary based on those posted to the list:
+ spike implementation of the URL search
+ a whole load of stress-testing & profiling; should handle expected
load of 25 concurrent users, not pushed any higher at the moment.
(see t/benchmark.pl and t/stress-test.pl)
- removed the 'dates' box from the front-end (no time to implement)
+ tested with Petal-1.06
+ spun off Petal-Utils side project
+ search interface is nearly complete.
+ introduced checkboxes to make selecting search criteria more obvious.
+ the Pager now works
+ wrote a bare-bones off-line admin interface that can create users,
list collections, and upload terms. Pangloss shell can be found in
+ included a sample set of terms from Dan McQuillan into the test suite.
+ lots of little bugfixes.
+ started doing load tests.
+ fairly painless integration w/Apache, Pangloss now loads under
Apache/mod_perl 1.3.28.
+ Added a sample Apache config file: 'conf/sample-httpd.conf'
+ updated filters make for more intuitive search navigation.
+ switched over to Module::Build from MakeMaker as a build tool.
+ rewrote Todo list - it was getting a bit silly.
+ introduced a Pager for the search results
+ filters apply as an intersection instead of a union (after a chat
with Jean-Michel Hiver)
+ more improvements to the search page.
+ selected 'filters' are now highlighted in the left-hand nav.
+ search results are organized by category/language/name.
+ fixed a bug where proofreaders couldn't update the status
of a translation.
+ basic search functionality now working.
+ creator & date required for all objects.
+ authentication segments now in place (means translators can add
translations, and proofreaders can modify statuses)
+ started work on search code in the backend.
+ search page now dynamic, though search functionality still not
+ finished outstanding error handling stuff.
+ implementing the long-outstanding modify term status.
+ hacked the tab selection (search|concepts|...|users)
+ other bug-fixes
+ installation eased by release of OpenFrame-WebApp, Pipeline-Config
and acceptance of most patches
+ patched version of Petal-0.92 now required to complicate the issue
+ thought a lot about how data passes from the application layer to
the presentation layer, come up with a decent solution & started to
roll it out.
+ other editors begin to fall into place, still not at 100%
(can't update term statuses yet, error reporting is minimal,
no way to see the removed users list, etc...),
+ Language & User editors working
+ refactored 'proof of concept' server, moving chunks of code out
into tested segments.
+ YAML pipeline config file
+ spike solution test.pl (edit users only)
+ refactor search template [John Lea]
+ split search.html into a header & footer, now used in mock-ups
! relying on patches submitted to various CPAN authors
+ basic Pangloss objects: User, Language, Concept, Category, Term
+ User editor (yet to tie in templates)
+ search HTML template [John Lea, Steve Purkis, based on work by
Jean-Michel Hiver].
+ created template project files & directory structure
+ project created 2003/04/02.