# Change log for WWW::Shorten.

version: 1.83
date:    26 Aug 2003
    - Added qurl.net
    - Mentioned shorlfilter.

version: 1.82
date:    23 Jul 2003
    - Added shortlink.us

version: 1.81
date:    23 Jul 2003
    - Unified version numbers.
    - Minor test nits fixed.
    - Removed Fcol.org as it's no longer a shortener.
    - Removed QuickOnes.org as it doesn't exist any more.

version: 1.5.8
date:    11 Mar 2003
    - Updated all BUGS section.
    - Fixed incorrect rt.cpan.org email address.
    - shorten script souped up. Can now be configured.
    - Sample configuration file for shorten script added.

version: 1.5.7
date:    10 Mar 2003
    - Modules return undef when unable to shorten.
    - Added link to NotLong's comparison page.
    - Revised some BUGS sections.
    - MASL returns URL if too short, else undef.
    - MASL tests extended.

version: 1.5.6
date:    5 Mar 2003
    - bin/shorten wasn't in the manifest, thus not in the dist.
    - Added TinyClick.com
    - Added Test::Pod tests.
    - Added SERVICES section to pod.

version: 1.5.5
date:    8 Jan 2003
    - Corrected Metamark doco.
    - Metamark uses POST rather than GET now.
    - Ask mentioned in various bits.
version: 1.5.4
date:    7 Jan 2003
    - Added Metamark and 'shorten' to the docs.
    - Added 'shorten'. A useful little program.
    - Makefile.PL updated with new recommended stub.
    - SnipURL.com modified their API. Code updated.
    - Smlnk test added to depot.
    - Module::Build uses META.yml now rather than .yaml
    - Added Ask's Metamark service.

version: 1.5.3
date:    8 Nov 2002
    - Tests no longer use a dave.org URL.
    - Uses one of mine instead ( perl.dellah.org ).
    - AUTHORS and ChangeLog files added.

version: 1.5.2
date:    1 Nov 2002
    - It's usually a good idea to include license files when you mention them.
    - New tests for name changing added.
    - Versions of modules moved to x.yy and are not taken from CVS tags.
    - Why? I'm now using perforce.
    - Function name changing possible.
    - Minor typo corrected.
    - Added SmLnk.com
    - Fixed SnipURL.pm - SnipURL.com had some changes done.

version: 1.5.1
date:    29 Oct 2002
    - Had accidentally left some debugging code in SnipURL.pm 

version: 1.5.0
date:    25 Oct 2002
    - Module::Build rather than ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
    - SIGNATURE added.
    - Default style is 'MakeAShorterLink'.
    - THANKS section added.
    - LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section added.
    - SnipURL.pm uses the API interface.
    - Auxiliary files cleaned up.
    - Basic tests added.
    - Fcol.org and add.redir.ek.dk added.
    - Tests for Fcol and EkDk added.

version: 1.4.2
date:    21 Sep 2002
    - SnipURL.pm description modified.

version: 1.4.1
date:    20 Sep 2002
    - SnipURL synopsis corrected.
    - Tests for Shorl and NotLong fixed.

version: 1.4
date:    19 Sep 2002
    - Redid internals.
    - Added QuickOnes, NotLong and SnipURL.

version: 1.3.2
date:    16 Sep 2002
    - Added rt.cpan.org notes.

version: 1.3.1
date:    04 Sep 2002
    - Fnarged upload.

version: 1.3
date:    04 Sep 2002
    - Shorl can return password.
    - Documentation nits.

version: 1.2
date:    29 Aug 2002
    - Documentation nit fix.

version: 1.1
date:    29 Aug 2002
    - Initial revision.