Revision history for Perl extension Apache::AuthExpire
0.39 Thursday July 29, 2004
- bcw - Modified to account for proxy redirection that could result in
the get_remote_host() fctn always returning
<changes noted below>
- bcw - I have modified the module to return DECLINED rather than
OK. This allows other various authenTication schemes to operate.
<changes noted below>
- bcw - Added a new configuration PerlSetVar variable "TimeoutPurge".
This variable specifies the number of hours to wait before
considering a timeout file to be too old to have come from the
same session. This allows for someone to successfully use the
AuthExpire to implement session timeouts and clean up old
authentication timeout files after an extended period of time has
- speeves - updated my contact information and included Brandon's patches
- fixed README and added up-to-date information
- Added PerlSetVar variable 'AllowAlternateAuth'
to allow for you to chain authenhandlers...
- moved the dir_config variable declarations to the top of the
handler subroutine and cleaned up the code that needed it in
response to these changes
- modified proxy patch to check for _any_ proxy server and return
"real" client address
- added PerlSetVar variable 'TimeFileDir' to allow you to
specify an alternate location for your timeout files
- added a lot of documentation with more information on
each feature, as well as installation information.
- changed the timeout file default directory to
- updated the README to reflect the new changes.
0.38 Tuesday July 15 2003
- replaced Apache::Constants::OK with OK for modperl1
0.37 Thursday June 19 2003
- Ported to work with modperl 1 and 2
- Rewrote Makefile.PL to check for install of
modperl. (Uses ExtUtils::AutoInstall)
- Updated the README to include new information
0.36 Friday September 7 2001
- Bug fix in $log->debug() statements
- Bug fix in $time_to_die set
- Fixed fix in time compare
- Fixed bug relating to pages with many subrequests
0.34 Friday September 7 12:50:00 2001
- Bug fix in time compare
0.33 Thurs Sep 6 21:00:00 2001
- Updated documentation
- Improved logging facilities (uses Apache::Log)
- Improved logging facilities (uses Apache::Log)
0.31 Thurs Aug 30 18:35:00 2001
- Updated documentation, fixed pod
0.30 Wed Jun 14 18:00:00 2000
- time files now generated using the $r->server_root_relative() method
- removed some useless debugging reporting
- updated README with TODO list
- inserted call for Apache::src module for future use
0.25 Wed Jun 14 15:20:00 2000
- updated version; modified by hand
- updated $r-dir_config entry for 'TIMEOUT_DEBUG'.
- cleaned up regexp that munges realm names to prevent a realm from being interpretted as a directory
- updated README to give credit to plaid from
0.21 Tue Jun 13 11:32:19 2000
- first release version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
-AX -n Apache::AuthExpire