Version 0.60
x Remove "Build" from @ARGV to get around weirdness with CPAN shell
x PREFIX is a synonym for install_base
x install scripts into $PREFIX/bin, not $PREFIX/scripts.
x override has_config_data() to always return false to overcome weirdness
x added regression tests (t/main.t)
x add the "execute" attribute on "extra_dirs"
x adds execute permission only to #! files in dirs that contain executables
Version 0.50
x Cause "bin" directories (i.e. cgi-bin) to have perl interpreter substitution
x Ensure execute permission set on "bin" directories
x Properly write the .packlist (right location, right contents, right format)
x Ensure that packlist is written when no "module_name" exists
x Ensure that CVS and RCS files are not copied/installed
Version 0.10
x Initial release
x Cause extra_dirs to be installed
x Add configure() hook
x Ensure that "lib" is always at the head of @INC
x Works with install_base or not
x unset $ENV{PREFIX} so that Module::Build doesn't complain