Revision history for List-Gen
0.30 2009.12.20
forked from List::Step
0.50 2010.01.18
many updates and performance enhancements
some syntax from previous versions is no longer valid
0.55 2010.02.21
fixed bug with list context generators
0.70 2010.09.21
too many to count, do a diff :)
0.80 2010.09.27
better iterative generators, While/Until
0.90 2011.09.28
various bug-fixes
default glob override for list comprehensions: <*2 for 0 .. 10 if even>
stream generators that do not maintain caches
overloaded 'x', '|', '<<', '>>', '+' operators
many new methods
an experimental implementation of many haskell prelude functions
for the rest, do a diff
0.95 2011.10.09
various bug-fixes for versions of perl. stream pragmatic blocks.
0.96 2011.10.09
added List::Gen::Benchmark
0.97 2011.10.15
added `strict` pragmatic function. fixed some minor errors preventing
compilation on perl 5.13+. reorganized some of the pod.
0.971 2011.10.15
fix for listgenerator.t
0.972 2011.10.16
added minimum perl version 5.8.6
0.973 2011.10.16
fixed a bug with List::Gen->VERSION, thanks ANDK for pointing it out.
0.974 2011.11.11
a few bug fixes.
0.975 2024.05.17
modify tests according to recent perl version.
fix bug