
2020-08-06 - v0.72.0

Change return of ScopeManager->get_active_scope to none
instead of producing infinite new scopes

2020-06-16 - v0.71.1

Fix return of Scope->close

2020-06-16 - v0.71.0

Fix Getters

2020-06-16 - v0.70.0

Change versioning

2020-01-15 - v0.07

Quick fix, for dependency pin

2020-01-15 - v0.06

Quick fix because of changes in OT::Implementation::Interface::Bootstrap

### Changed

    - internal method changed to `bootstrap_tracer` to match Interface requires

2020-01-10 - v0.05

### Added

    - with OpenTracing Implementation Interface Bootstrap

2020-01-10 - v0.04

### Added

    - LICENSE and COPYRIGHT info

2019-12-13 - v0.03

### Fixed

    - add test to run with $OPENTRACING_INTERFACE = 1
    - add missing methods required for being OpenTracing-Interface compliant

2019-12-13 - v0.02

### Fixed

    - consume role 'OpenTracing::Interface::Tracer'

2019-12-06 - v0.01

Initial Release