Revision history for ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage
0.05    13 Apr 2005
        * Extensive changes added by Jos Boumans.  Thanks!
        * The new config() method, also by Jos, allows for much of the
          configuration Devel::Cover allows.
0.04    11 Apr 2005
        * Oops!  0.03 was broken.  
0.03    11 Apr 2005
        * Actually fixed Test::Differences issue :-/
        * [RT #11750] Missing dependency for testcover target - thanks
           to Guillaume Rousse for the patch
0.02    2 Mar 2005
        * Fixed Test::Differences issue in t/mm_coverage.t
        * Module now exports function C<testcover> for use when the 
          Makefile.PL already has a C<MY::postamble>
0.01    26 Feb 2005
        * Added Note on BSD Make and its issues
0.01_01 9 Feb 2005
	* Initial release