=head1 Revision history for Perl extension Bundle::Phalanx.


=item 0.05  Fri Dec 26 23:06:00 2003
Fixed a stupid (on my part at least) test bug.
=item 0.04  Fri Dec 26 23:06:00 2003

Fixed problem with Net::SSH::Perl.

Changed actual module name from Bundle::Phalanx to Bundle::Phalanx100 (suggested by Jim Cromie).

=item 0.03  Wed Dec 17 11:02:00 2003

Reordered many of the installations so that prerequisite modules are installed befor the modules thatdepend on them.

Added Digest::base and Digest::MD5.  These modules are not part of the "Phalanx 100", but are required by many of the modules on the list.

Implemented some changes sent in a patch by Jim Cromie.  The MySQL and Perl clarified a question on MySQL installs as well.

=item 0.02  Mon Dec  8 22:08:00 2003
Replaced Data::Grove with XML::Parser::PerlSAX to pull in libxml.
=item 0.01  Mon Dec  8 21:24:40 2003

original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -X Bundle::Phalanx

