This file documents the revision history for App::Cinema.

1.00 01/04/2010
		- initial revision, generated by Catalyst
1.02 01/05/2010
		- move to database: done! only change configure part and The rest of application is completely unchanged.
1.05 01/11/2010
		- fix bug : delete user
		- authorization-role
1.10 01/12/2010
		- upload project to web hosting
		- move hard-coded db setting to yml
		- use date format => HTTP::Date::time2iso(time)
		- add a record many-to-many => /item/add		
		- new gui
1.11 01/15/2010
		- add image URL to item creation screen
		- add "Latest Movies" to menu
		- add event features to log user's action		
		- add search feature by textfield to the menu
1.12 01/19/2010
		- namespace is changed to App::Cinema from MyApp
		- add comments to each module
		- modify /usr/add.tt2: users can choose their role either as user or admin
1.13 01/20/2010
		- add POD to,,,,,,
		- add 'News' features
1.14 01/25/2010
		- add search by item, news, event, user
		- move error message to yml
		- Moose can work well with my app now.
		- handle duplicated PK exception when adding a user
		- add Moose class - App::Cinema::Event
1.15 01/29/2010
		- add captcha
		- switch db to mysql
1.16 01/31/2010		
		- add validate to name field
		- modify Role based access control
		- add description of Role based access control