Revision history of Chart-Kaleido
0.012 2022-09-14
- Fix typo in Chart::Kaleido doc SYNOPSIS.
- Bump minimal Alien::Plotly::Kaleido version requirement.
- Skip Chart::Plotly test for Chart::Plotly < 0.038.
0.010 2021-04-20
- Try workaround a permission error (likely caused by IPC::Run) on Windows.
0.008 2021-03-19
- Add --no-sandbox which is needed by recent version of Kaleido.
- Bumped minimal IPC::Run version requirement.
0.006 2020-10-24
- Remove Chart::Plotly from build_requires to make installation easier.
0.005 2020-10-18
- Fix Chart::Plotly::Plot object as save() or transform() parameter.
- all_formats, scope_name, scope_flags are now like class
- Improve plotlyjs parameter default behavior.
0.004 2020-10-10
- Breaking change: Rename save() and transform() funcs' plotly
parameter to plot, to align with existing Chart::Plotly's api.
- Synopsic fix. Thanks Gabor Szabo!
0.003 2020-10-07
- Rename Chart::Kaleido::Base to take the Chart::Kaleido namespace.
0.002 2020-10-05
- Fix file mime type test.
0.001 2020-10-04
- First release.