Revision history for Statistics-Descriptive-PDL

0.08    2021-09-12
        - Cache all integer percentiles
        - Add percentiles method to get multiple values.
          This is simply a wrapper around the percentile method
        - Add sd and stdev as aliases of standard_deviation

0.07    2021-09-06
        - Another attempt to fix precision related test failures

0.06    2021-09-06
        - Track down more sclr calls to work on PDL earlier than 2.056

0.05    2021-09-05
        - Missed one test failure in 0.04.

0.04    2021-09-05
        - Fix several CPAN test failures.  Thanks to SREZIC for reporting.

0.03    2021-09-05
        - Add repo info to Makefile.PL

0.02    2021-09-05
        - Finally get back to it.

0.01    2015-07-19
        - First version.