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Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-SKIRMESS

0.026  2017-10-14 21:26:47 UTC

  - Disable ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitSingleArgArraySlice because
    it requires perl 5.12

0.025  2017-10-14 20:40:06 UTC

  - Add disabled policies to generated .perlcriticrc
  - Added many more Perl::Critic policies
  - Improved default configuration of Perl::Critic policies
  - Removed all 'no critic' comments from the source files
  - Replaced List::MoreUtils with List::SomeUtils

0.024  2017-09-24 17:32:56 UTC

  - Always create the 00-load.t test in the munge file phase

0.023  2017-09-24 16:18:25 UTC

  - Create the 00-load.t test
  - Removed Perl::Critic policy Modules::ProhibitExcessMainComplexity

0.022  2017-09-19 21:56:17 UTC

  - Also commit files copied from bin/ with CopyFilesFromRelease

0.021  2017-09-18 19:32:56 UTC

  - Renamed skip_file option to skip

0.020  2017-09-18 19:24:11 UTC

  - Add the Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Config::Slicer role

0.019  2017-09-17 19:50:55 UTC

  - Added new option 'skip_file' which can be used to skip the creation of
    files from the RepositoryBase plugin
  - Added Test::CPAN::Meta release test

0.018  2017-09-16 18:14:53 UTC

  - Also copy files from bin/ with CopyFilesFromRelease

0.017  2017-09-16 16:14:27 UTC

  - Added another invocation of MetaProvides::Package with :ExecFiles as
    finder to add packages defined in scripts under bin to the provides

0.016  2017-09-16 13:57:29 UTC

  - Added new option 'set_script_shebang' which can be used to disable the
    SetScriptShebang plugin, defaults to enable
  - Documented all configureation options in pod

0.015  2017-09-15 18:02:52 UTC

  - Added Test::CPAN::Changes release test
  - Release tests are no longer run on TravisCI

0.014  2017-09-14 22:02:18 UTC

  - Removed Test::CPAN::Changes release test because it fails before the
    first release

0.013  2017-09-14 21:30:58 UTC

  - Test::CleanNamespaces failes if there are no files to check

0.012  2017-09-14 19:16:33 UTC

  - The VERSION in the pod must be the version of the project, not of the
    Author::SKIRMESS::InsertVersion plugin

0.011  2017-09-14 18:51:34 UTC

  - Added MetaData::BuiltWith plugin
  - Added SetScriptShebang plugin
  - Added documentation to the Author::SKIRMESS::RepositoryBase plugin
  - Update the VERSION section in all files that contain a POD VERSION

0.010  2017-09-10 16:43:32 UTC

  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::RepositoryBase
  - All generated files are now created by
    Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::RepositoryBase during the
    "Before Build" phase. For release builds of the bundle itself, the
    files are recreated again during the "Munge Files" phase to have the
    new version stamped in them during and not the old version.
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Perl::Tidy::RC
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Changes
  - Removed
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::CPAN::Meta
  - Removed
  - Removed
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::EOL
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Kwalitee
  - Removed
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Mojibake
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::NoTabs
  - Removed
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Pod
  - Removed
  - Removed
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Spelling
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Version
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::TravisCI
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Role::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT

0.009  2017-09-04 10:48:45 UTC

  - Add a comment to .perlcriticrc that the file is automatically generated
  - Add a comment to .perltidyrc that the file is automatically generated
  - Add a comment to .travis.yml that the file is automatically generated
  - Added "__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable" to all modules
  - Added all core policies but Documentation::RequirePodSections,
    InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen and Modules::RequireVersionVar
  - Added all policies from the Perl::Critic::Moose package in the default
    Perl::Critic policy
  - Added support for a perlcritic.local file which can be used to overwrite
    defaults and add or remove policies on a per project basis
  - Changed the .perlcriticrc to use 'only = 1' and list all used policies
    instead of 'theme = core'
  - The .perlcriticrc is now always recreated (overwritten) during a build

0.008  2017-08-30 21:24:52 UTC

  - Removed an occurrence of 'Use of uninitialized value'

0.007  2017-08-30 21:09:56 UTC

  - Added Plugin::AutoPrereqs::Perl::Critic plugin

0.006  2017-08-29 22:18:19 UTC

  - Add .perltidyrc to the distribution
  - Added 'theme = core' to .perlcriticrc
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Perl::Tidy::RC
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Changes
  - Added
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::EOL
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::TravisCI
  - Added Test::CPAN::Changes release test
  - Added Test::CleanNamespaces author test
  - Added Test::EOL release test
  - Allow travis_ci_ignore_perl configuration option for dist.ini
  - Also scan files under t and xt with Test::Spelling
  - Automatically create the .perltidyrc file
  - Automatically create the .travis.yml file
  - Moved xt/author/perlcriticrc to .perlcriticrc
  - No longer define a -profile for Test::Perl::Critic as the .perlcriticrc
    is now in the cwd
  - No longer set AUTHOR_TESTING env variable on TravisCI because we don't
    check for that anymore
  - Run 'make manifest' on TravisCI before running release tests
  - Run xt/release tests on TravisCI
  - Skip pod-no404s.t author tests during AUTOMATED_TESTING

0.005  2017-08-26 18:55:22 UTC

  - A default Perl::Critic config file xt/author/perlcriticrc is created if
    none exists. Existing files are not changed
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::CPAN::Meta
  - Added
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::DistManifest
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Kwalitee
  - Added
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Mojibake
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::NoTabs
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Perl::Critic
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Pod
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Pod::No404s
  - Added
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Spelling
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Version
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Role::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT
  - Added new modules to t/00-load.t
  - Added RemovePrereqs::Provided plugin
  - Added Test::CPAN::Meta release test
  - Added Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON release test
  - Allow stopwords configuration option for dist.ini
  - Increased required version of Test::Pod to 1.26
  - Moved Test::DistManifest test from author to release
  - Moved Test::Pod::No404s test from release to author
  - Reformatted Changes file to use less indentation
  - Removed check on AUTHOR_TESTING env variable for tests under xt
  - Removed Test::More import in tests that don't use Test::More directly
  - Require at least version 0.008 of Test::MinimumVersion
  - Scan bin, lib, t and xt directories with Test::Pod
  - Test::MinimumVersion now uses all_minimum_version_from_metayml_ok
  - The authors are now added as stopwords to Test::Spelling
  - The default perlcriticrc now excludes the InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen
  - xt tests are now automatically created by plugins under the
    Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT:: hierarchy

0.004  2017-08-20 21:21:05 UTC

  - Added .perltidyrc
  - Added .travis.yml
  - Added 00-load.t test
  - Added Prereqs::Plugins plugin to dist.ini
  - Added Test::CPAN::Meta author test
  - Added Test::Kwalitee release test
  - Added Test::MinimumVersion author test
  - Added Test::Mojibake author test
  - Added Test::NoTabs author test
  - Added Test::Perl::Critic author test and perlcriticrc config file
  - Added Test::Pod author test
  - Added Test::Pod::No404s release test
  - Added Test::Portability::Files author test
  - Added Test::Spelling author test
  - Added Test::Version author test
  - Fixed links in POD to specify text
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Role::BundleDeps role
  - Removed Prereqs plugin
  - Removed Prereqs::AuthorDeps plugin

0.003  2017-08-19 20:02:02 UTC

  - Added Prereqs plugin to add a dependency on the bundle in the used version
  - Added PromptIfStale plugin
  - Added PruneCruft plugin
  - Improved abstract
  - Improved documentation
  - Removed UpdateGitHub plugin

0.002  2017-08-18 23:45:16 UTC

  - Added CheckIssues plugin
  - Added CheckSelfDependency plugin
  - Added CheckStrictVersion plugin
  - Added Git::CheckFor::MergeConflicts plugin
  - Added Git::Remote::Check plugin
  - Added InstallGuide plugin and therefore an INSTALL file
  - Added MetaConfig plugin
  - Added UpdateGitHub plugin
  - Added VerifyPhases plugin
  - Added copyright_holder to dist.ini
  - Fixed a display issue in the POD
  - Plugins without arguments can be mentioned as scalar to add_plugins()
  - Removed FakeRelease plugin

0.001  2017-08-17 21:01:13 UTC

  - Initial release